The Henniker Rotary Club is pleased to announce an annual Community Flag Project in Henniker and Hillsboro to promote patriotism and to raise funds for charitable use in both communities. Similar programs have been successful throughout the United States and locally Hopkinton has done this for several years, with Weare also just starting a program.
Participation is easy, for a modest annual fee of$50.00 the Henniker Rotary Club will display an American Flag in your front yard or at your business around the five most patriotic days of the year: Memorial Day Weekend, Flag Day-June 14, Independence Day-July 4, Labor Day Weekend, and Veteran’s Day-November 11. At the placing of the flag for Memorial Day a short pipe will be driven into the ground and a 3’x5’ flag on a 10’ pole will be installed for each holiday. When the flag is removed after Veteran’s Day, the pipe will be removed. They do all the work and you have a beautiful American Flag displayed for the holidays while supporting your communities.
To get more information or to subscribe email HRCFlags@gmail.com. The Henniker Rotary Club meets on Thursdays at 7:30am at the Henniker Congregational Church hall on Maple Street and currently has 35 members who are dedicated to giving back to their communities.