The Annual Charter Night returned to being a fun evening at a member's home instead of in a restaurant so we could be "socially distanced". Thank you Kerry and Lori Uhler for inviting us to your beautiful back yard!
While for the past many years we've had Charter Night in a banquet setting, this year we went back to outside and met at member Kerry (and Lori) Uhler's back yard. Each person (couple) brought their own food and drink instead of having a buffet, but otherwise the night wasn't much different than previous Charter Nights. The changing of the gavel took place as President Steve Neuhoff passed the gavel to incoming President Frank Malinoski. Steve thanked his board of directors, Frank introduced his and each said a few words. One of the highlights was the formal (in person) Induction to Membership of Louise Carignan, who will jump right in as our new Treasurer. Louise has been coming to our meeting with husband Ed for many years so it really doesn't seem like she a "new" member.
Another milestone was Frank received his 5th Paul Harris and his wife Judy was able to pin in on him.